InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackPreparing My Brain For WinterNext to my new boots got to make sure I work through my seasonal depression.Sep 27, 20244Sep 27, 20244
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackGoodbye Insomnia Summer, Hello Sleeping FallI can finally fall asleep again.Sep 20, 20243Sep 20, 20243
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackFall and ChangeIt’s funny how fast change can happen.Sep 14, 20242Sep 14, 20242
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackGot to Get Out of My HeadMy second home shouldn’t be my thoughts.Sep 7, 20241Sep 7, 20241
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackWhen I Fall in Love…I want it to be forever or longer than six months.Aug 31, 20241Aug 31, 20241
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackIf I Could Turn Back the ClockHere is what I would change.Aug 23, 20242Aug 23, 20242
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackFixing my friendship with myselfI wanted to be my friend againAug 14, 20243Aug 14, 20243
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackDoes it pay to be nice?Since working I ask myself this everyday.Jul 30, 20241Jul 30, 20241
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackThe Year I tried to be Someone ElseI was ready to be a whole new person.Jul 22, 20244Jul 22, 20244
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackAppreciating the small stuffSometimes it’s the small stuff that makes you happy.Jul 15, 20242Jul 15, 20242
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackWhen your ideal job doesn’t work outSo did I do all this work for nothing?Jul 4, 20241Jul 4, 20241
InShort. Sweet. Valuable.byPenelope BlackMirrorsThey’re not as bad as I thoughtAug 6, 2024Aug 6, 2024